Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Days 2 & 3

It really has only been three days, but I feel indescribably comfortable and at home here, even if I'm still learning how to read the alphabet.

Today was a work day at the Association for the Parents of Handicapped Children; we mowed the lawns, trimmed shrubs, pulled weeds, and got tan (or maybe just sunburned--only time will tell). We got a tour of the outstanding association, which is funded entirely by sponsors, mainly the parents of handicapped children themselves, which provides something like fifteen different services and classes--all free of charge--to, currently, over 70 families in the Vladimir area. They have a legal team, a horse-riding therapy program, speech-language pathologists, a preschool, a program at a local school for deaf children... The list goes on.

OK, this is just a teaser, because it's past 01:30 here, so it's bedtime. Tomorrow, Lena and I will be getting up early, and--since she's my tutor!--we got permission for me to "skip" my morning Russian lesson and instead visit her university, where her English professor invited me to visit their class! (I will, however, make up for lost time by studying Russian with Lena in the evening, lest it sound like I'm already slacking off.) Tomorrow evening, after yet another jam-packed day, I hope to find the time to catch up on the events since Saturday. In other words, check back for more later! And, for now, check out my latest photos! :D

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